A blog detailing the creation of my FPS engine.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Start your engines...

So I have written a prototype of my basic engine design and now I am ready to start on a full engine this iteration. Above is where I am right now. Below is where I want to be.

A few key features I am shooting for are:
  • In game editing - switch to editing mode by using the console.
  • Abstract physics engine interface - based on BEPU Physics mostly (see note 1 below)
  • In game collision mesh editing and creation - easily add, move, rotate collision shapes.
  • SunBurn properties editing in game, including textures.
  • Deferred rendering using SunBurn - not going to bother with forward support.
  • Neoforce Controls UI - because I don't like WinForms.
  • .NET Compact only - Windows and Xbox support.
  • Animated textures - (see note 2 below)
And a few items that are on the list, but not currently high on the priority list.
  • Skinned models with rag doll physics.
  • Partial rag doll physics for skinned models. For example entire model is animated normally except the left arm is actively a rag doll.
  1. The reason for abstracting the physics engine is for portability. I want to be able to write a single Save/Load method and have it work without modification even if I switch engines. The reason I am basing my interface on BEPU Physics is because it seems to be the best at the moment.
  2. Not sure if I will use movies or sprite sheets, but this is a must.
So my goal is to have a complete engine with a complete game finished by the end of the year. Wish me luck.

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About Me

Cortland, Ohio, United States
I'm a self taught game programmer currently serving in the Ohio National Guard and working a full time job at the Unit Training and Equipment Site. I spend all day repairing M1 tanks and other military vehicles. My life long goal is to one day become a professional game programmer/designer.